Sunday, September 11, 2011

My First Project

As I was getting into the technology part of the course I felt that it was geting harder and harder....The only thing that made me go and reach my first goal is the the way my mind was set : "If a human created the problem then a human have to solve it"....Challenge is what our students are afraid of and even worse if they do not have any weapons on how to fight the frightened part of the assignment...We do have an advantage, we are resourceful and we have the means. But talking about technology, what do almost every student have in their possession and help them get out of their doubts? Can we use it towards our advantage? Is it considered an educational tool ?
Tell me ...we use it to solve some of our doubts during this assignment....I contacted my pals with it to get instructions...So, are we against or for this new technological phenomena ? Think...that is what I learned during this assignment. How to be resourceful technological-wise!! ----Click Here--> Cell Phone YOUTUBE

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